122 results total, viewing 61 - 80

Letters to the Editor – June

The Editor: I read with interest Margot Griffiths’ great account of her family’s history down here, and I’ve found her dam! My name is Tom Crean. My family owned the cabin across from … more

Letters to the Editor – May

The Editor: If you have driven down APA Road between Pauls Road and Boundary Bay Road since the huge windstorm that occurred on December 20, you know the about the massive damage to our … more

Letters to the Editor – April, 2019

The Editor: Just a few reminders about the new library from an old librarian: The Library Express allows pick-up of requested items from 6 a.m to 11 p.m daily. Simply scan your … more

Letters to the Editor: March, 2019

The Editor: Your little newspaper is great. I love your online version. It keeps me updated until we get back to the Point for the spring and summer season. Dorice … more

Letters to the Editor – February, 2019

The Editor: On behalf of the Point Roberts Park and Recreation District, we would like to thank everyone who assisted us in opening and operating the community center as a shelter during the … more

Letters to the Editor: January, 2019

The Editor: On behalf of the Point Roberts Public Hospital District, I wish to thank the community for your support and consideration during these months of preparation for the change in … more

Letters to the Editor: December, 2018

The Editor: Just wondering why, after all the wars past and present, ‘we’ are still glorifying war? I pose this question because it seems like it’s everywhere – all over the globe, in … more

Letters: November 2018

The Editor: State senator Doug Erickson and state representative Vincent Buys took  multiple trips allegedly paid for with campaign funds, to support the Cambodian Prime Minister Hu Sen, a … more

Letters: October 2018

The Editor: Further to Dave Harris’ letter: We’ve only had the pleasure of having a cottage on the Point for three summers. Some of the main reasons of our decision to choose … more

September 2018: Letters to the Editor

The Editor: In a recent letter to the editor, a Canadian artist did not paint an accurate picture of his interaction with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at the Point Roberts Port of … more

August 2018 Letters to the Editor

The Editor: If it takes a village to raise child, it also truly takes a community to host a successful Garden Tour! On July 15, the Point Roberts Garden Club, with the help of many … more

July 2018 Letters to the Editor

The Editor: So many of you have asked, so here’s the news on Wilma Donaldson. Wilma is currently residing at Delta View Center in Delta in the Forest Grove section. If you  go to … more

Letters to the Editor: June 2018

The Editor: Why is it so difficult to find someone in Point Roberts who wants to work? I don’t mean for free or hard labor, just yard maintenance, weeding. I see so many postings on the … more

Letters to the Editor: May 2018

The Editor: I am writing in response to the outpouring of love and charity that was shown to me by this entire community. Not just the people here in Point Roberts but Tsawwassen, Surrey, … more

Letters to the Editor: April 2018

The Editor: We are writing on behalf of the board of directors of the Point Roberts Taxpayers Association (PRTA) to affirm our strong support for the Point Roberts Clinic. The clinic … more

Letters to the Editor: March 2018

The Editor: To the thoughtless person(s) who dumped all their old books in the library book drop this month and then crammed all their returns in so tightly that the book drop couldn’t … more

Letters to the Editor: February 2018

The Editor: It was good to read the progress report on the new library and let’s hope it speedily continues. We hope the request for space from the Point Roberts Food Bank and the Point … more

Letter to the Editor: January 2018

The Editor: I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who helped make the 2017 Christmas Gift Faire a success including our vendors with their lovely items and our customers who came out … more

Letters to the Editor: December 2017

The Editor: In the summer of 1993, a small pop-up gallery opened and closed in Point Roberts, giving birth to the concept of a permanent gallery featuring the work of local … more

Letters to the Editor: November 2017

The Editor: I’ve been told by several people that there is some misunderstanding among local voters about the connection between the park and recreation district levy that is on the … more
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