Friends of the Library October 2017


By Judy Ross

Today, as I write, the Point Roberts Park and Recreation District has signed the construction contract for the new library. Not only that, but the asbestos in the ceiling of the Julius Fire hall has also been removed, the old septic tank has been dug up and both have been taken to wherever such things are disposed of. The construction will begin promptly, with the builder having come up to measure the site for fencing.

Here comes our new library that everyone has worked so very hard for in so many ways, over so many years, to make happen. It is expected that it will be completed by the end of May 2018, so we’ll be working over the winter and early spring to plan a fitting celebration.

Thanks to so many who have contributed every possible kind of encouragement to make this possible. Over the past month, since we received the bids, we have been able to raise almost $100,000, including $23,000 from the Whatcom County Library System, all of which ensures the children’s library space and meeting room space will be as large as originally planned and that there will be air conditioning. We still have a few donation requests that will support some post-building needs, but we are on our way.

There are not enough words (or space in this column) to thank those who have contributed so much over the past six years – not only through money – but also time, energy, in-kind gifts and support. Those of us Friends thank you every day, even if you don’t hear us do it. I hope you thank yourselves every day, too, for caring about libraries and caring so much about this particular community institution which exists for us all.

It is a gift from all of us, to all of us, now and 50 years from now. We stand firmly in that chain of people who have been caring about Point Roberts for over a century.

“Raise high the roof beam, carpenters!”

– Judy Ross, for the Friends of the

Point Roberts Library


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