Year in Review 2020: Point Roberts Library


In this year like no other, the library strived to be a safe place. While closed, all interior surfaces were sanitized, (thanks to Heather Dixon) and our staff (Rose Momsen, Liz Otwell, Susan Black, Kris Lomedico) trained to learn the protocols for partial opening to safely serve the public.  And we learned to Zoom!  

As the newest library in the county system (WCLS), a specially featured Express Room enables patrons to pick up and check out requested items on their own time, whether in a designated folder or in a grab-and-go bag. Curbside service can be ordered as well, during open hours. Deliveries are once weekly.

Story time and special programs are all via Zoom, and the summer reading program met with some success with free books for kids. Even the book club met outside in good weather.

Now, because of zero Covid cases in Point Roberts, and our isolation, our doors are open to 25 percent occupancy, (up to five people) with masks required and physical distancing. Surfaces are sanitized throughout the day.

Before the shut-down, we bid goodbye to dear friend and long time staff member, Fran Reilly, who retired, big party and all, in February.  

Throughout this year we have sorely missed our cross border and summer visitors, and have extended the time on items checked out to them into spring of 2021. 

Like everyone else, we hope for a timely end to Covid, border closures and the anxiety involved. So, here’s to a much happier and safer 2021. Come and see us.


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