2016 Year in Review: Blaine School District


By Ron Spanjer, Ed.D., Superintendent

As the 2016 calendar year draws to a close, the students and staff of the Blaine school district have much to reflect upon over the course of the last 12 months.

New facility construction has most certainly been high on our priority list.  Additions and upgrades were completed at Blaine Primary School in August, making it possible to provide a full-time Kindergarten program for approximately 150 students. In addition to new classrooms, there is new physical and occupational therapy space for special needs students, office and program space for itinerant staff, a new music room, an enclosed play shed and reciprocal space for the Head Start program. We are very excited to see this community-supported work serving the needs of students this year.

The first of three construction phases at Blaine High School is well underway. This initial phase of construction is scheduled for completion in July of 2017. When school opens next fall, high school students will have a new cafeteria and kitchen, two new CTE classrooms, and a new (smaller) theater. Our students and staff will have endured the first of a series of disruptive years, and will be grateful for the new facility completed in this initial phase. Updates on construction progress can be found on the district’s website at blainesd.org.

There is a broad range of specific academic goals being pursued at this time across all levels of the system. The district’s Comprehensive Plan can also be linked from our website and patrons are encouraged to review this document in order to gain a better understanding of our learning targets and related action plans in the current school year.

The board of directors, in addition to the entire Blaine school district staff, would like to take this opportunity to thank the collective communities of Point Roberts, Birch Bay and Blaine for your support in making great things happen for all students.

Happy New Year!


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