Friends of the Point Roberts Library July 2017


At the end of May, the Friends of the Point Roberts Library held its annual general meeting. For the past six years, that meeting has been dominated by the need to raise a lot of money for a new library.

This year, that project continued to dominate the meeting, but in a celebratory mode, since we have raised what is thought to be the needed money, and the park and recreation district is now working with architect David King to get the project out to bid.

We celebrated all those who have been invaluable supporters of this project all the way, especially Ed Park, Judith Wolfman, Mark Robbins, Louise and Darryl Cassidy, Margot Griffiths, Don Falk, Allan Marder, Rose Momsen, Stephen Falk, Barb Wayland, Tor and Heidi Baxter, Dorothy and Darrell Sutton, Arthur Reber, Rhiannon Allen and Bennett Blaustein, all part of the Point Roberts community; and Joan Airoldi, Christine Perkins, Michael Cox and Lizz Roberts from Whatcom County Library System. We thanked all who had donated time, goods or money at any point during those years.

Where did the money come from? Local businesses, local organizations and various events provided 5 percent each (15 percent total) of the total $840,000; individuals and families donated 65 percent; and Whatcom County Library donated the final 20 percent. We are expecting bids for the contract to be made this summer and if all goes well, demolition and construction of the Julius fire hall could begin in early fall.

We also heard about the many other activities in which the county library and the Point Roberts Library are engaged. These include American Girl dolls and board games in the lending library (along with books, films and CDs), as well as various contests to encourage reading. In fact, Whatcom County Library System received a $10,000 award to support its efforts to expand library services.

Locally, summer library activities will include “This Old House” talks, TED Talks, Joke Night, Knit Night, a book club, game nights and kids’ craft programs, as well as the yearly puppet show, this year “Alice in Wonderland” on July 29.

The puppet show will be preceded by a puppet-making workshop. Used book sales will continue throughout the summer as long as we have somewhere to store the books in between sales.

Another round of applause for all who made and will make this happen ended the meeting, and then we all joined in ceremonial cake and coffee. Onward to the future!

– Judy Ross, for the Friends of the Point Roberts Library


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