How to make your holiday gift giving more meaningful


Shopping locally for the holidays doesn’t need to be limited to gift certificates and mufflers. The quality of life in Point Roberts is enhanced by the work of many charities and nonprofit organizations that rely on donations to do their work on behalf of the community. Consider giving the people on your list a piece of the place they call home and the things they value by making a donation on their behalf.

Circle of Care: Provides information and referrals for volunteer services and professional in-home care for Point Roberts families. Circle of Care is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity and contributions are tax deductible. Please contact Annelle Norman at 945-5222 or to contribute, volunteer or to donate durable medical equipment.

End the Pain Project: The End the Pain Project is dedicated to the global reduction (and possible elimination) of phantom limb suffering.

Friends of the Point Roberts Library: The registered nonprofit’s mission is to support library programs in whatever ways are needed independent of the county budget. As part of their mission to support the library the group continues to raise funds for a new library space. Contact for more information, send donations to P.O. Box 970 or bring them to the local library.

Point Roberts Animal Welfare Society: PAWS provides assistance to families in need of help for their pets, including food and veterinary services, as funds permit. Spay/neuter services are provided for feral cats and they are returned to where they are caught. The society also works to find homes for displaced animals. Contact Carol Fuegi at 945-2338 to make a donation.

Point Roberts Conservation Society: A key player in the coalition to stop the radio towers, the society is dedicated to preserving the natural environment on the Point. Contact treasurer Suzanne Rosser for donation information at 945-0418.

Point Roberts Dollars for Scholars: A nonprofit foundation that supports academic success in our community, the local chapter works through Scholarship America’s® national network to support postsecondary students with scholarships. Donations can be sent P.O. Box 2168 or online at

Point Roberts Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Committee: The registered nonprofit’s goal is to educate the public to be prepared for a major disaster. Contact president Virginia Lester at 945-2827.

Point Roberts Food Bank: The food bank is a registered nonprofit that works to assist community members who are in need of food, clothing and other necessities. They currently serve 24 families – 54 individuals. Donations to the food bank can be made at either of the local banks and tax receipts will be issued to all donors who identify themselves by name and address. For more info, contact Henry Rosenthal at 945-1711.

Point Roberts Homegrown Co-op: The Point Roberts Homegrown Food Co-op is dedicated to providing healthy, organic, homegrown produce and education about sustainable food production. The co-op hopes to foster the growing movement of self-sustaining communities while striving to improve the land on which we work and live. If you would like to give the gift of a C.S.A share (a weekly box of fresh produce), co-op membership or farm stand gift certificate email

Point Roberts Lighthouse Society: The registered tax-exempt society is working to build a functional lighthouse in Lighthouse Marine Park, which would also serve as a whale watching platform and multipurpose facility for community use. Donors can contact Mark Robbins at or 945-1357.

Point Roberts Parent Teacher Organization: The organization’s fundraising provides resources to the local primary school such as classroom materials and educational tools. They also plan events such as the annual Easter Egg Hunt for all local and visiting children, and fund field trips for local students. Donations can be dropped off at the school at 2050 Benson Road next to the fire station.

Point Roberts Registered Voters Association: The nonprofit association represents registered voters on issues that impact the community and promotes voter education. Donations can be mailed to 534 Tyee Drive and more information is available through the association website at

Point Roberts Senior Association: Working with the parks district and the Whatcom Council on Aging the association supports the senior activity center which offers lunch twice a week, coordinates health programs and recreation for local seniors. Donations can be sent to P.O. Box 957. For information call 945-5424.

Point Roberts Taxpayers’ Association: This group of American and Canadian taxpayers works to improve the environmental, economic and recreational life of Point Roberts. The tax-exempt organization was a leader in the efforts to preserve Lily Point and defeat the AM radio transmission towers. A current priority is to maintain and enhance Lighthouse Marine Park. Donors can contact Mark Robbins at or 945-1357.

Trinity Lutheran Church: Donations support the only church in Point Roberts and help preserve the century-old building. Special donations to support the music programs and in particular the children’s free music camp can be earmarked as such. Donations can be sent to the church at 1880 APA Road. Church manager Louise Cassidy can be reached at 945-7105.

Whatcom Marine Mammal Stranding Network: A nonprofit 501(c)(3) dedicated to helping stranded marine mammals in distress. Visit the website at and use the PayPal button to donate. Donations can also be sent by check to WMMSN 3842 Legoe Bay Road, Lummi Island 98262.


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