Letters to the Editor: January


The Editor:

As 2024 draws to a close, we thank you for this opportunity to update the community on the progress of the restoration of Point Roberts’ historic church, and to once again reach out to you in hopes you will be able to contribute a year-end gift during the final push to complete this project. All donations are tax deductible, whether in US or Canadian funds.

Phase One of the restoration has been successfully completed, with the most visible result being the seven steel cables that span the interior of the church, thus supporting the east and west walls. Less visible and equally critical was the lifting and leveling of the southwest corner of the building and the installation of a concrete footing.

Phase Two will involve a new front staircase at the church’s entrance and a concrete foundation poured under the entire building. Due to the process during Phase One (leveling the church) interior damage occurred which will require, among other needs, the repair of interior plaster.

Trinity Community Church is more than a church. It is the oldest landmark in Point Roberts and is registered with the Washington State Historic Trust. It is the only concert hall and serves as an emergency shelter for the Red Cross.

Please help us preserve our heritage and make the final phase of the restoration of Trinity Community Lutheran Church a reality – a reality that truly reflects the word “community.” This beloved building embodies so much of our past and promises so much for our future. In this season of giving, we are grateful for your support.

Should you be so generous as to join in this, tax deductible donations may be sent by check to TCLC, PO Box 437, Point Roberts, WA 98281, or if you visit our website PointRobertsChurch.com, there is a link to our GoFundMe page. TCLC is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization

Louise Cassidy on behalf of Trinity

Church fundraisers

Point Roberts

The Editor

Former prime minister Jean Chretien didn’t cower when Republicans tried to make a scapegoat of the Canadian border with exaggerated claims about illegals and drugs coming from the North; no, Chretien reminded their ilk that the traffic, legal and illegal, across our shared border moves in both directions.

So why isn’t Trudeau demanding that the United States stop illegals, drugs and guns from entering Canada?

Greg J. Edwards

Delta B.C.


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