Local stats - September issue


Fire Incidents for July 2024

Total calls (55); EMS calls (18), resulting in the following transports: St. Joseph Hospital (4), Airlift Northwest (3); fire classification (15) resulting in outdoor burn – permit (5), outdoor burn – illegal (3), false alarm (4), power lines down (1), wrong address (1), water problem (1); public service (6); EMS CARES/MIHC (16).

Point Roberts health clinic numbers for July 2024 (2023 figures following)

Total 205 (163); office visit 173 (95); labs 15 (16); PT/INR 1 (8); telemedicine visit 16 (14); Physical exams 0 (4); skin clinic 6 (11); B12 and flu shots 4 (15).


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