New volunteer possibilities at the fire hall


Fire chief Christopher Carleton is looking at more ways the community can support their fire department.

“I am looking at establishing a fire district response team made up of volunteer members from the community,” Carleton said. Members of the Community Emergency Response Team have expressed interest in expanding their ability to serve through such a program, and Carleton said he would like to see how wide community interest would be.

“They will not have to certified as firefighters or emergency medical technicians,” Carleton said, making the program accessible to those who can’t commit to the high training demands of those positions. “However, they will be trained in CPR and first aid and on how to assist district medical providers as necessary if requested on medical incidents.”

Some of the responsibilities being considered for the team would include firefighter rehabilitation, breathing tank exchanges and refilling, traffic control and public education. They may also be trained to drive emergency vehicles so that they can assist with hospital transports. “These are a few items I am considering as duties,” Carleton said. “They are dynamic and subject to change as safety is of primary concern.”

Anyone interested in the program or looking for more information can contact Carleton at or at 945-3473.


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