The benefits of volunteering


Perla Glanzer, Annelle Norman, Dina Boykiw, Galen Wood, Circle of Care.

By Annelle Norman

Did you know that studies have shown a multitude of benefits are derived from volunteering? Not just for the person, animal or agency that is served, but more specifically, for the person providing service. Research shows that people who volunteer are happier, healthier and live longer. Helping and working with others has been shown to reduce the effects of stress, anxiety and anger. When researchers measured brain activity and hormones in volunteers they discovered that being helpful to others triggers production of the feel-good hormone oxytocin and other endorphins. By keeping in regular contact with others in your community, you are less likely to suffer from depression that comes from feeling isolated. When you provide help to someone in need, your sense of confidence and competency are increased.

Here are ways that Circle of Care provides you with the opportunity to feel healthier and happier:

Do you enjoy cooking? Make a meal for a shut-in or someone recovering from an illness, injury or surgery. Either drop it off or take it to them and stay for a visit.

Do you enjoy driving? This past month, Circle of Care arranged for five trips to the grocery store, four trips to appointments in Bellingham and six trips for physical therapy. Drivers were often able to do their own errands while our client was seeing the doctor or having therapy.

Going to the grocery store? Perhaps a shut-in needs a few items purchased and delivered. Get your reimbursement when you drop off the groceries, and maybe make a cup of tea and have a chat.

Enjoy gardening? Lots of our elderly residents find minor garden clean-up too demanding. Perhaps take a flowering plant or shrub and put it in the ground.

Love animals? When someone is too ill to take their pet for a walk or to the vet, you might help out both of them.

Not really comfortable around sick people? No problem! Circle of Care needs volunteers for fundraising events, social media postings, writing articles, preparing and serving food at community events.

Whatever talents you have or would like to develop, we’re sure we can put them to good use. You can pay it forward and feel happier and more confident as a result. Would you like to volunteer to help at any of our events or be a Circle of Care volunteer? We will have a volunteer training session this spring and would love to have you join us. Contact us at or by calling us at 945-5222.

Circle of Care Buffet Dinner and Dance sponsored by South Beach House

Diane and Max Briand are very generously sponsoring a buffet dinner and dance party fundraiser on Sunday, April 2. A delicious buffet (with vegetarian options) will be served at two seatings, 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. and Shaune Ann Feuz and her band will perform starting at 7:30. All tickets for 6:30 seating are sold but we still have plenty of 8:30 tickets and 8:30 diners can dance the night away!

The cost is $25. Raffle tickets for the Sunflower Quilt will be sold as well as 50/50 tickets. Door prizes will be awarded! You can purchase your tickets by sending an email with your phone number to or by calling us at 360/945-5222.


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