Year in Review: Friends of the Point Roberts Library


It was a year of both continuity and change. With the help of community volunteers, we stocked the book cart at Nielson’s Building Center and the two Little Free Libraries that we installed. Friends of the Point Roberts Library (FOPRL) members welcomed the public almost every Saturday to The Commons in the community center.

We continued to provide the library with items not provided by the Whatcom County Library System (WCLS), mainly by supplying stickers and toys for child patrons. We also facilitated communication with the Point Roberts Park and Recreation District about outdoor issues such as lawn rehabilitation, tree care, and conveniences such as the bike rack and reading bench. And we assisted with publicity for WCLS events, especially with the tremendously successful Whatcom Grooves concert held on the back lawn.

We didn’t just stay in town. A number of FOPRL members had a great time taking the Raven community van to Deming to meet with other WCLS friends groups and share ideas. And yet others attended the Open Book Festival in Ferndale.

Changes at FOPRL this year have been fairly profound. Long-serving respected president Judy Ross, who was instrumental in raising funds to build the existing library, stepped aside to focus more on The Commons.

Jane Donaldson stepped into the breach and will steer us through the coming years. Our dynamic Rose Momsen, whose value as an advocate for children’s services has been greatly appreciated, announced her plans to move on. We thank AmandaLyn Wayland who will bring that special advocacy to our activities in the future.

A celebration of Judy and Rose’s contributions was the focus of our well-attended annual general meeting, with WCLS Executive Director Christine Perkins leading the statements of appreciation.

To become involved, come to a board meeting or The Commons, check out or email foprl1@gmail.


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