85 results total, viewing 41 - 60
By Peg Keenleyside Some 30 odd years ago I visited a garden in England called Sissinghurst Castle Garden which had been bought in the 1930s by the then famous writer and socially risqué,Vita …
7/27/18 12:57 PM
[slideshow_deploy id='13683'] Garden 1: Bobbie & Daryl Marquette Garden 2: Lucy and Dick Williams Garden 3: Jessica …
7/19/18 02:16 PM
By Rhiannon Allen Last month, I wrote about how different Point Roberts gardeners create wonderful gardens based on the front yard/back yard property layout. While that layout is typical of …
6/29/18 01:50 PM
By Rhiannon Allen Point Roberts gardens vary dramatically in their configuration and size. However, a common design here on the Point and throughout North America is what I call the ‘front …
5/25/18 01:50 PM
Alstroemeria. By Peg Keenleyside This month’s garden column is all about having fun shopping for plants to brighten up your borders and decorating your outdoor rooms by adding color, scent and …
4/27/18 01:27 PM
By Rhiannon Allen Planting season is upon us, once again bringing challenges in acquiring plants for our gardens. There are times when I miss being able to hop in the car and zip over to any …
3/30/18 01:27 PM
By Peg Keenleyside March, with its longer days and warming soil, is the month when the garden wakes up from its winter sleep. It’s the time when you want to …
2/23/18 01:34 PM
By Rhiannon Allen Long ago, at the garden owners reception for a Point Roberts Garden Tour, I received a “Great Gardens of British Columbia” wall calendar donated by the Vancouver Sun’s …
1/26/18 05:39 PM
By Peg Keenleyside Between visits to the gym this month to work off some of those holiday calories, I also seem to manage to start thinking about a plan for the year’s gardening: Am I going …
12/22/17 01:55 PM
By Rhiannon Allen Dear Santa, First of all, thank you for last year’s presents! The transplant spade was put to work moving errant perennials and clearing narrow paths between rows …
11/20/17 01:02 PM
By Peg Keenleyside I don’t consider myself in any way a tree expert, but over years of gardening, you pick up a few tips and start to develop your tree care know-how. Which, of course, …
10/27/17 01:20 PM
By Rhiannon Allen What a peculiar weather year this has been. Most of us lost some plants – casualties of the severe winter, summer drought, or some other factor. We might have …
9/29/17 12:53 PM
By Peg Keenleyside September can be a time when your garden looks a little lackluster: the annuals you put out in May are looking like the party-goers who stayed …
8/25/17 05:52 PM
By Rhiannon Allen This column has covered weeds before, but I’d like to cover a particular one in detail. Each year, the Point Roberts Garden Club fields questions about this pest. …
7/28/17 01:34 PM
By Peg Keenleyside “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives, it is the one most adaptable to …
6/30/17 02:03 PM
By Rhiannon Allen If your family is like mine, you eat salads year-round, but look forward to the special treat of the summer salad bowl. Gone are the restricted choices of …
5/26/17 03:50 PM
By Peg Keeleyside It was a wicked cold wet winter here in the Pacific Northwest, and my garden shows it. The big rosemary plant I had sheltered near my dryer vent is …
4/28/17 03:01 PM
By Rhiannon Allen Is it spring yet? What a late start this year! Yet spring is inevitable, and the weather is warm enough to start spring tasks as the garden awakens from its …
3/31/17 02:24 PM
By Peg Keenleyside Starting From Seed: Easy annuals to start from seed In these last months of winter, you are usually content to just curl up to flip through a …
2/24/17 03:16 PM
By Rhiannon Allen Writing this letter each year affords the opportunity to reflect on what I want for next year’s gardening. This autumn has been hard work in the …
11/18/16 03:07 PM