In the garden
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In The Garden : August 2018

By Peg Keenleyside Some 30 odd years ago I visited a garden in England called Sissinghurst Castle Garden which had been bought in the 1930s by the then famous writer and socially risqué,Vita … more

Garden Tour 2018

[slideshow_deploy id='13683']   Garden 1: Bobbie & Daryl Marquette Garden 2: Lucy and Dick Williams Garden 3: Jessica … more

In the Garden: July 2018

By Rhiannon Allen Last month, I wrote about how different Point Roberts gardeners create wonderful gardens based on the front yard/back yard property layout. While that layout is typical of … more

In the Garden: June 2018

By Rhiannon Allen Point Roberts gardens vary dramatically in their configuration and size. However, a common design here on the Point and throughout North America is what I call the ‘front … more

In the Garden: May 2018

Alstroemeria. By Peg Keenleyside This month’s garden column is all about having fun shopping for plants to brighten up your borders and decorating your outdoor rooms by adding color, scent and … more

In the Garden: April 2018

By Rhiannon Allen Planting season is upon us, once again bringing challenges in acquiring plants for our gardens. There are times when I miss being able to hop in the car and zip over to any … more

In the Garden: March 2018

  By Peg Keenleyside March, with its longer days and warming soil, is the month when the garden wakes up from its winter sleep. It’s the time when you want to … more

In the Garden - February 2018

By Rhiannon Allen Long ago, at the garden owners reception for a Point Roberts Garden Tour, I received a “Great Gardens of British Columbia” wall calendar donated by the Vancouver Sun’s … more

In the Garden: January 2018

By Peg Keenleyside Between visits to the gym this month to work off some of those holiday calories, I also seem to manage to start thinking about a plan for the year’s gardening: Am I going … more

In The Garden: December 2017

By Rhiannon Allen Dear Santa, First of all, thank you for last year’s presents! The transplant spade was put to work moving errant perennials and clearing narrow paths between rows … more

In the Garden November 2017

By Peg Keenleyside I don’t consider myself in any way a tree expert, but over years of gardening, you pick up a few tips and start to develop your tree care know-how. Which, of course, … more

In the Garden October 2017

By Rhiannon Allen What a peculiar weather year this has been. Most of us lost some plants – casualties of the severe winter, summer drought, or some other factor. We might have … more

In the Garden September 2017

By Peg Keenleyside September can be a time when your garden looks a little lackluster: the annuals you put out in May are looking like the party-goers who stayed … more

In the Garden August 2017

By Rhiannon Allen This column has covered weeds before, but I’d like to cover a particular one in detail. Each year, the Point Roberts Garden Club fields questions about this pest. … more

In the Garden

By Peg Keenleyside “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives, it is the one most adaptable to … more

In the Garden June 2017

By Rhiannon Allen If your family is like mine, you eat salads year-round, but look forward to the special treat of the summer salad bowl. Gone are the restricted choices of … more

In The Garden May 2017

By Peg Keeleyside It was a wicked cold wet winter here in the Pacific Northwest, and my garden shows it. The big rosemary plant I had sheltered near my dryer vent is … more

In the Garden: April 2017

By Rhiannon Allen Is it spring yet? What a late start this year! Yet spring is inevitable, and the weather is warm enough to start spring tasks as the garden awakens from its … more

In the Garden: March 2017

By Peg Keenleyside Starting From Seed: Easy annuals to start from seed  In these last months of winter, you are usually content to just curl up to flip through a … more

In the Garden December 2016

By Rhiannon Allen Writing this letter each year affords the opportunity to reflect on what I want for next year’s gardening. This autumn has been hard work in the … more
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