Church News
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Church News – April

How is everyone doing? These are times that can test our resolve, our patience, our generosity, our souls. We at Trinity Church maintain our sense of community through social media, calls and cards. … more

Church news – March

By Gina Gaudet As we enter the season of Lent, let’s look again at fasting. Fasting as in deprivation, as in “giving up” something. Just what I want to think about as I finish off a … more

Church News – February

By Gina Gaudet The time of year is coming upon us when we look deeply at the self: the day-to-day self and the higher self (the “soul-self” or spiritual self). We call this time of year … more

Church News – December

By Gina Gaudet Just as we see the yearly passage of time as a cycle through natural seasons and created annual holidays, so goes the liturgical church. The church year actually begins with … more

Church news – November

By Gina Gaudet While perusing an online liturgy/sermon source, I found a lovely essay on the lesson of fall colors: part-science, part-spirit and fully, deeply exquisite. It’s slightly … more

Church News – October

By Shirley Cannon “Now is the only time you own. Always we begin again. Every time is the first time.” So begins the adult exercise classes that take place every Monday and … more

Church news – September

By Gina Gaudet “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away … and the one who sat upon the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things … more

Church News – August

By Gina Gaudet A few weeks ago, Father Chuck Cannon spoke eloquently on the parable we know as the “Good Samaritan.” One aspect of the story he highlighted was the response of the … more

Church News – July, 2019

By Lucy Williams The spirit moves! And, very often it moves through music, particularly this summer when the air is alive with divine inspiration! We love the quiet of Point Roberts, but … more

Church News – June

By Gina Gaudet Death is all around us. It is the cycle of nature. Plants die. Animals die. We die. But we do so, most of the time, with some degree of consciousness. In my early 20s … more

Church news – May

By Gina Gaudet It is tempting to say that Easter is over. The church sees Easter as the culmination of the Lenten season, so in a way, it is an ending. Not so! The Easter story takes … more

Church News – April, 2019

By Gina Gaudet The old testament reading for the third Sunday in Lent, which lands this year on March 24, includes these words from the prophet Isaiah: “For my thoughts are not your … more

Church News: March, 2019

Bi Gina Gaudet Do you observe Lent? Did you or your family do so? Were you expected to give up something you liked (sweets, most commonly, or maybe picking on your little sister)? Do you … more

Church News – February, 2019

By Gina Gaudet As a young teen, I had a typical need to question and doubt everything, especially religion. My parents required church attendance (under threat of being grounded), so I was a … more

Church News - November 2018

By Gina Gaudet “Listen! Listen, God is calling. Through the Word inviting. Offering forgiveness, comfort and joy.” (Tanzanian hymn) As we age, our hearing can diminish. A … more

Church News: September 2018

In honor of the imminent end of summer, submitted by Gina Gaudet. The Summer Day Who made the world? Who made the swan, and the black bear? Who made the … more

Church News: August 2018

By Gina Gaudet Manifestation is a popular topic among some self-help circles. In the widening income gap between rich and poor, many look for a way out of that gap that doesn’t include … more

Church News: June 2018

By Gina Gaudet The Judeo-Christian creation story begins with the image of a presence, a potent possibility for everything coming from nothing: “The earth was void and without form, … more

Church News: May 2018

Yesterday was Good Shepherd Sunday. In the day’s reading (John 10:11-18), Jesus declares, “I am the good shepherd...” While this metaphor is rich in cultural and spiritual content, the focus of … more

Church News: April 2018

By Gina Gaudet By the time this is read, Easter will almost be over. After Easter, once the eggs are all found and chocolate is consumed, the festivities become happy memories. For … more
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