Church News
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Church News: March 2018

By Gina Gaudet The season of Lent began on Ash Wednesday, February 14. The gospel for this day was from the Sermon on the Mount. This teaching of Jesus focuses on how we pray, how we fast and … more

Church News - February 2018

By Gina Gaudet Saint Augustine said, “Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.” We think of an event as “miraculous” when it occurs outside … more

Church News: January 2018

By Bev Mar Once again, it’s time. The new year. Time for pondering new beginnings. We often look for guidance, or inspiration for self-improvement. It could look like a new diet, … more

Church News: December 2017

By Gina Gaudet As the Christmas season and the Festival of Lights enters our homes, we reignite the fires of our traditions in our hearts. We sing carols and songs long familiar, while … more

Church News: November 2017

By Gina Gaudet What is a church? This centuries-old question never goes away. As human life evolves in social, relational, ethical and spiritual ways, the definition of church evolves as … more

Church News October 2017

By Gina Gaudet Autumn draws our attention to thoughts around harvest. All those little seeds planted in the spring have brought forth the fullness of their potential. I am reminded … more

Church News September 2017

Having written last month about sound as frequency and vibration, and its effect on our consciousness, what are we to say then about silence? Recent events remind us how chaotic the … more

Church News August 2017

By Gina Gaudet According to Nicolas Tesla, “If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.” Everything is energy, all is … more

Church News July 2017

By Gina Gaudet Summer is in full swing and fun is in the air! What a joy to be able to celebrate this glorious season in such a wonderful piece of God’s green Earth, where the … more

Church News June 2017

By Gina Gaudet June – time to clean up the cottage, put the boat in the water, mow the lawn. Summer on the Point can’t be beat. If only summer would never … more

Church News May 2017

By Gina Gaudet and Bev Mar The energy of our Easter Sunday Service – the energies of Christ’s love and its raising of our hearts – was almost … more

Church News: April 2017

By Gina Gaudet Spring has arrived! And as the earth moves from death into life, we are invited to understand our lives from a death and rebirth perspective. The … more

Church News: March 2017

By Regina Gaudet This year, March first marks the beginning of the season of Lent. In the Christian tradition, Lent is a season of inward reflection, prayer and sometimes fasting. In … more

Church News: February 2017

By Gina Gaudet The holidays are over. The tree is likely gone, decorations are put in storage, things are pretty much back to normal. In some church traditions, this time between … more

Church News: January 2017

By Gina Gaudet “Every season has a reason. Summer cannot do the works of winter, nor winter the works of summer. Each season is unique yet so important, so cherish the seasons in … more

Church News December 2016

Many years ago, we had a particularly busy holiday season: work, church, school events and the usual family preparations which always included seemingly endless shopping trips. At … more

Church News November 2016

By Gina Gaudet “I give thanks that I am fearfully and wonderfully made!” (Psalm 139) New discoveries in biology, physics and quantum mechanics expand our … more

Church News October 2016

Fall means change. Cooler, shorter days show us the impermanence of things. Brilliant autumn leaves remind us that even trees need to sleep sometime! The cycle of seasons leads us to annual … more

Church News September 2016

By Gina Gaudet While walking the trails at Lily Point, I reflect on the words of Jesus found in Matthew and Luke, which are sometimes described as “teachings on … more

Church News August 2016

All this week things have been humming at Trinity with kids and teens working together preparing this year’s Summer Music Camp offering – God with a Capital G! It is based on the … more
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