122 results total, viewing 101 - 120

Letters to the Editor June 2016

The Editor: Happy Summer to all the Point Roberts residents and visitors. July 4th is rapidly approaching and the excellent cooks and members of the Point Roberts Emergency Group … more

Letters to the Editor May 2016

The Editor: We who live in Point Roberts can rest easy knowing we have our fire department and their excellent first responders just a 911 phone call away. On March … more

Letters to the Editor April 2016

The Editor: What is going on in our community? Last month, a number of daffodil plantings were dug up from public roadsides. Those daffodils were not the work of industrious, … more

Letters to the Editor March 2016

The Editor: On behalf of the school board, as well as the students and staff of the Blaine school district, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the patrons of the Blaine … more

Letters to the Editor February 2016

The Editor: Is anyone else worried that Steve Harvey may announce that Norway has gifted Point Roberts to Finland? Todd Strong Point Roberts The Editor: I was … more

Letters to the Editor: January 2016

The Editor: A couple months back I wrote the editor regarding a dog at large violation I received while walking my dog on Marine Drive. As it pertains to the subsequent experience I … more

Letters to the Editor December 2015

The Editor: A few years ago in the county where I lived, which had a leash law, I had occasion to go talk to animal control as a result of a neighbor’s complaint of my dog having chased her … more

Letters to the Editor November 2015

The Editor: Thank you to the current Point Roberts fire commissioners who have provided the vision and strategic direction over the last few years. None of us are getting any younger and with … more

Letters to the Editor October 2015

The Editor: Thank you to our dedicated used book sale volunteers: Steve, Don, Dave, Jane, Chris C., Barb, Carolyn and Judy and to everyone who donated books this past year, and who came to … more

Letters to the Editor, September 2015

The Editor: This is an open letter to the person leaving golf balls on the beach between Maple Beach and Lily Point. A cursory Internet review of the environmental impact of golf balls shows … more

Letters to the Editor: August 2015

The Editor: A special thank you to Bob Granley and his wingmen Adrian Cooper and Carter Mann, both flying Nanchang CJ 6 aircraft for performing the fly past during the Fourth of July … more

Letters to the Editor July 2015

The Editor: We gamble with liability by delaying a new jail. The existing jail must be replaced, as it is no longer safe for employees and inmates (the jail is about … more

Letters to the Editor June 2015

The Editor: Regarding the letter to the editor from Harold “Tom” Thomson in opposition to raising the minimum wage to $15. First, you are pointing your finger at the wrong … more

Letters to the editor May 2015

The Editor: Our library offers so much for this community: entertainment with books, movies, magazines, games and indoor and outdoor activities for children, ‘in-betweeners,’ and … more

Letters to the Editor: April 2015

The Editor: The date and time for the annual general meeting (AGM) of the Friends of the Point Roberts Library (FOPRL) has been selected: April 25, 4 p.m., at the community center. … more

Letters to the Editor: March 2015

The Editor: A newly forming in-home care agency needs your help. We have prepared a very short (less than five minutes) online survey and would so appreciate your time and input in … more

Letters to the Editor: February 2015

The Editor: The Point Roberts Quilting Group would like to thank the coordinators of the Point Roberts Christmas Craft Faire for all the many years of effort and headaches that they … more

Letter to the Editor, January 1, 2015

The Editor: The spirit of giving visited Point Roberts this holiday season. As in the past, the Point Roberts Volunteer Firefighters Association conducted a boot drive to benefit the … more

Letters to the Editor: January 2015

The Editor: I see reported in the All Point Bulletin that the sub-committee phoenix has risen from its 1992 ashes and is born again. The thing about born-agains I … more

Letters to the Editor: December 2014

The Editor: Open enrollment is here! November 15–February 15 is the time to enroll, change or renew private health insurance plans through the Washington Healthplanfinder. Not sure … more
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