122 results total, viewing 41 - 60
The Editor:
In America, elections aren’t decided by the media, they’re decided by the Constitution. The election of 2020 is far from over! America is not, and never will be a …
12/18/20 03:03 PM
The Editor:
An abundance of thanks to Sheena Durflinger, Tracey Aiken, Linda Hughes, Dina Lynka and many, many more volunteers who made the Point Roberts community a Halloween event not to be …
11/20/20 01:21 PM
The Editor:
Your article on Race Week is surprisingly flawed and one-sided. Shame on your reporting.
You made it sound like Race Week was a large company that was trying to bilk the marina out …
10/30/20 03:42 PM
The Editor:
Thanks for the great article and photo that you published on July 31, 2020.
My wife and I have received so much positive feedback from friends with whom we have shared the article. …
9/25/20 03:58 PM
The Editor:
The Point Roberts love boat? We have a new Circle of Care bus sitting here doing nothing which seats 20 plus handicap access. Make arrangements with the border bosses to allow for its …
8/28/20 02:46 PM
The Editor:
The debate over wearing masks must end. It is a matter of life and death. If you don’t like wearing a mask, you’re going to hate wearing a ventilator.
Governor Inslee …
7/31/20 03:29 PM
The Editor:
We, the people of Point Roberts, Democrats, Republicans, independents and those of other political or national identity who have held space in this place called Point Roberts during …
6/26/20 06:34 PM
The Editor:
A tribute to David Gellatly by Theodore Roosevelt – Man in the Arena
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or …
5/29/20 12:54 PM
The Editor:
As I look back on 2019 from the perspective of March, 2020, I can only marvel at how quickly our worlds can be upended! While I know that COVID-19 and its attendant issues shall …
5/1/20 01:00 PM
The Editor:
This new draconian travel restriction and quarantine over entire Italy reveals the limitations of the effectiveness of methods used to screen travelers. Which country will be next? …
3/27/20 01:32 PM
The Editor: I have an image of firefighters in my head from the 1987 film Roxanne, a shift on the Cyrano de Bergerac story starring Steve Martin and Darryl Hannah and filmed in Nelson, B.C. …
2/28/20 12:29 PM
The Editor: My Christmas reading this year has been Mark Swenson’s Point Roberts Backstory: Tails, Trails and Trivia from an American Exclave. I delighted in the many tidbits of local and …
1/31/20 01:13 PM
The Editor: I stood on the stage at our Winter Holiday Program and as I got ready to speak, I had an emotional wave come over me. Looking out at the sea of faces who were in attendance to see …
12/20/19 01:10 PM
The Editor: In regard to the Senior’s Point column that appears every month in the All Point Bulletin. The apostrophe should come after the plural (seniors’) or else you are referring to …
11/22/19 01:40 PM
The Editor:I am concerned by the effort of the Point Roberts Independent Business Council (PRIBC) to eliminate WCC 20.72 (Point Roberts Special District) and surprised by the level of support PRIBC …
11/4/19 02:48 PM
The Editor:
Brian Calder and Tommy O'Brien have formed a new group, the Point Roberts Independent Business Council (PRIBC). Their mission statement can be found …
11/4/19 02:45 PM
The Editor: Do you support the governments of the United States and Canada entering into discussions regarding the sale of Point Roberts? I definitely support the idea of Canada …
10/25/19 01:01 PM
The Editor: Brian Calder and Tommy O’Brien have formed a new group, the Point Roberts Independent Business Council (PRIBC). Their mission statement can be found here: …
8/30/19 01:17 PM
The Editor: This letter is long overdue, but, as the saying goes, “Better late than never.” Over the course of this last winter my wife and I had some difficulties to face: …
7/26/19 12:43 PM
The Editor: We need the community’s help! We are looking for a new logo for the Point Roberts Air Park that represents Point Roberts but carries an aeronautical theme. Please email us your …
6/28/19 12:42 PM