122 results total, viewing 21 - 40

Letters to the Editor – November

The Editor: As a retired educator who worked in the Bellingham school district for most of my career, I have met many incredible students and families. One family stands out – a … more

Lettters to the Editor – September

The Editor: Yikes! The story of the cyclist collapsing in eart distress! I have lived on Cape Cod, Massachusetts since 1985, but as a teen living in Tsawwassen in the ’70s, I often rode my … more

Letters to the Editor – July

The Editor: The Point Roberts Taxpayers Association (PRTA) will be holding its annual general meeting (AGM) this month, on Thursday, July 21, at 5 p.m., at Kiniski’s Reef Tavern (outside … more

Letters to the Editor – June

The Editor and Whatcom County Council: I am a 10-year homeowner in Point Roberts and thankful to be back. The All Point Bulletin recently ran a detailed article on Whatcom County’s ongoing … more

Letters to the Editor – May

The Editor: Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Tilbury Terminal Expansion Project – risk of catastrophic explosion related to tanker traffic on the Fraser River – a warning. This … more

Letters to the Editor – April

The Editor: I am writing to pay tribute and wish a fond farewell to a wonderful friend and a true community leader, Jennifer Urquhart. Jennifer will be heading back to her Tidewater, … more

Letters To The Editor – March

The Editor: The Canadian Cancer Society deserves praise for its Dry Feb campaign: it shines light on the role that alcohol – wine, whisky, champagne, beer et al – plays in the … more

Letters to the Editor – February

The Editor and Dave Armstrong: Sorry to hear about your missing cat. I have a fabulous cat too; I would hate to have him go missing. But why do you have a collar with a bell on her? … more

Letters to the Editor – January

The Editor: Circle of Care could use a little help. Over the past year I have been ferrying people from the Point to various medical locations throughout Whatcom County. I have picked up … more

Letters to the Editor – Deceember

The Editor: Some of my first memories of attending services at Trinity Church (Icelandic Lutheran in those days) were Christmas in the 1930s. I remember the scent of fir boughs, which decorated … more

Letters to the Editor – November

The Editor and Senator Patty Murray: Allowing Canadian property owners vehicular access to Point Roberts to attend to their property should be part of your “narrow and tailored … more

Letters to the Editor – October

The Editor and our dear Point Roberts friends: Goodbye, Autumn! Thank you for all the kind words and offers of help this past two weeks. Thank you for the beautiful cards, and flowers, and … more

Letters to the Editor – September

The Editor: Primary care providers, listen up! This is something you must hear. Results from a large retrospective analysis found that over 80 percent of patients nationwide had not had … more

Letters – August 2021

The Editor: We have an issue with residents and visitors dumping garbage and trash onto our county-owned beaches and parks. We have seen several instances of people dumping onto their own … more

Letters – July 2021

The Editor: We are not a ghost town. What happens in Point Roberts, stays in Point Roberts ... and that’s sometimes a problem. We are not a ghost town, as some have suggested, but we … more

Letter – June 2021

The Editor: It saddens me to see and hear people cutting down mature trees here. This is especially the case because our community values our natural setting so much. There are many good … more

Letters – May 2021

The Editor: My name is Sheena Durflinger, I have been a resident of Point Roberts for six years and I love planning events. I moved here from Chilliwack, B.C. where I was the event planner for the … more

Letters – March 2021

The Editor: I grew up playing in the woods by Baker Field and I was saddened to see bright orange paint on the trees and cheap tchotchkes nailed to the trunks. I know that many children might … more

Letter to the Editor – February 2021

The Editor: Personally, I don’t like seeing people promote Point Roberts on social media like Facebook where mega amounts of people get an insider view of our precious community. Why do you … more

Letters to the Editor — January 2021

The Editor: In America, elections aren’t decided by the media, they’re decided by the Constitution. The election of 2020 is far from over! America is not, and never will be a … more
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